TTCU Proud to Sponsor Tennessee Crossroads
TTCU begins an advertising campaign and sponsorship of the program, Tennessee Crossroads, which is a production of Nashville Public Television and is shown on PBS stations across the state, including all the communities near our TTCU branch locations in Middle and Eastern Tennessee. Tennessee Crossroads travels the highways and byways of Tennessee, highlighting the personalities, crafts, places, foods and events that make our state unique. It is one of the most-watched locally-produced public television show in the nation, seen by more than 200,000+ viewers each month.
The Tennessee Credit Union and PBS/NPT have similar missions in that we strongly support community involvement and education-related programs that make a difference in Tennessee. We created a 15-second promotional advertisement that runs prior and following the broadcast. We believe the ad conveys an outstanding message of who and what we are.
Our ad copy appears below:
The Tennessee Credit Union
… with roots that are PURE Tennessee.
… serving large and small communities in Middle and East Tennessee.
… helping our members save, borrow and succeed financially since 1950.
Community Strong. Tennessee Proud.
The program airs on Sundays and Thursdays (Nashville) and Saturdays in our other markets. Our campaign runs through end of October 2018. Be sure to tune in.
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